Art Conway

Art & Design Conway Centre Residential

A group of Year 10  GCSE Art and design students went to the Conway Centre on the Menai Straights, Anglesey for  the weekend working with Artists and students from other schools in the Northwest.

The students accompanied by Mrs Aspey and Mr Nield ,  worked throughout the weekend  on various Art projects for their GCSE coursework.

Students in previous years attending the weekend have created some spectacular pieces of Art work:

Art Conway Georgia-Spiers_Mollie-Solan

Art Conway Georgia-Spiers

“The weekend at the Conway Centre was really good, we all had so much fun and produced lots of excellent quality work. We made friends with people from different schools and had the chance to chat with them. We spoke to people we didn’t think we would speak to and produced work that we didn’t know we were able to do. The work we produced will go towards our GCSE and will help us to exceed our GCSE target grades.”


2Engage Performance of ‘Risking it all’

2Engage1As part of their spiritual ,moral, social and cultural curriculum year 9 & 10 students at BCA have been introduced to the dangers of alcohol & drug use and the possible links to the dangers of exploitation.  Theatre company ‘2engage’ performed a very relevant, interactive & hard hitting performance of ‘Risking it all’ which deals with one of society’s growing problems. The performance was delivered in a straight talking way and offered students the opportunity to discuss, reflect and evaluate the outcomes of the behaviours demonstrated by all of the characters in the performance. All students were extremely engaged throughout the performance and you could hear a ‘pin drop’ at pertinent points as some of the more shocking scenes unravelled.

Students comments…

2Engage2Year 10

‘I thought it was really powerful and a bit of a tear jerker’

‘It was good to learn about it in a different way, the performance kept us interested’

‘It was realistic and the acting reflected real life situations that could happen to us’

‘It showed us that we could speak to someone if it ever happens to us’



2Engage3Year 9

‘It taught me the facts and how bad it could be’

‘It taught me not to trust people online’

‘It was really good and made me understand that things like that really happen and that we need to be aware of it’


Big Debate 2

Big Debate Day

Monday morning’s tutor time saw students across Beamont Collegiate Academy debating one of our provocative SMSC topics. Students were courageous in their approach to debate and were not afraid to air their opinions. Pupils from year 7 through to 11 were given a platform on which they would be able to voice their reasons for arguing for or against the chosen motion. Big Debate 2

Our students were taught the language of debate and they found out the importance of rebuttal. They learnt the importance of preparation and oracy skills whilst sharing their views, thoughts and opinions.

Big Debate 1

The Big Debate Day was a huge success…we can’t wait for the next one!

Faraday 1

Faraday Challenge Day

Two teams of talented year 8 STEM pupils, went head to head in the Faraday Challenge event at Daresbury Science Park a world class Science facility right on our doorstep. Our super scientists were pitted against some high profile schools from across the North West.

Faraday 2

Their job was to solve a problem: How can we protect cyclists from roadside hazards?

The two Beamont teams worked tirelessly in creating a beacon that could be placed along a roadside, to indicate approaching hazards to cyclists. The teams had to design a beacon, build the casing for it using a 3D printer and construct a circuit that was to be placed inside.

Initially the pupils were puzzled but once they had been assigned their roles, they were raring to go. After the planning and build was complete, the groups had a chance to put their feet up in the scientists lounge and relax. The end product was still a mystery but they couldn’t wait to see their beacons…

All students finally stepped up to deliver faultless presentations, of their final product, to the judges.

Both Beamont teams were commended on their efforts and achievements. They were a credit to the Academy and have a very bright future in Science technology engineering or maths.

We may have some fantastic new inventors in the school!