The Education Endowment Foundation report on homework suggests that evidence shows that the impact of homework, on average, is five months’ additional progress. However, beneath this average there is a wide variation in potential impact, suggesting that what the homework is and how is set is likely to be very important.
Homework has been extensively researched. There is a relatively consistent picture that pupils in schools which give more homework perform better. Whilst this performance might not be solely to do with homework, it is one factor which if we have a consistent approach to could make a difference to the outcomes and learning skills of our students.
The value of homework can be seen in studies which suggest that that it supports learning, practice and rehearsal, personal development, time management skills and preparation for later life. We also know that unless teachers ensure that the activities set are meaningful and relevant to learning, they become largely redundant.
Principles for Home Learning from September 2021:
- Should be set on Google Classroom
- Should be reading based. -For example, this could be reading a text and completing a quiz or reading and summarising the main points of a piece of text in preparation for next lesson.
- Could comprise of pre-learning materials to read prior to the lesson.
- Could be reading materials that explore curriculum hinterland that support the concept of knowledge being generative.
- May also comprise of the creation of revision materials based on set reading.