Year 11 GCSE Examination results

All year 11 GCSE Examination results will be available for collection from the Academy between 09:30 to 11:00 am on Thursday, 23rd August, 2018. Pupils (candidates) should collect their own results.

We do however, recognise that it is not always possible for pupils to collect their results personally. In these instances the Year 11 pupil may elect to have their results given to another person (3rd party) . In this case the Y11 pupil should complete the appropriate sections on the letter issued to them on their leaving day, indicating who will collect the results. The 3rd party must present this slip on results day in order to collect the results. Please be advised that the 3rd party collecting the results MUST bring photographic identification with them on the day, as failure to do so will result in the centre not being able to release the results.

Armistice Project

The Fashion and Textiles Enrichment Students have worked on an Armistice project, creating garments, shoes and T-shirt designs. Students used the BCA “Fablab” printing facilities to print up their designs as well as using dye and stitching techniques to create their pieces.  The Umbrella created by Year 7and 8  students was a show stopper and caught the eye of everyone.  The project was completed this week with a mini Fashion show, and work is currently being displayed at St.Rocco’s Hospice Shop:   105-107 Longford Street, Warrington, WA2 7P  Opening Hours:  Monday–Saturday: 10:00am-4:00pm.

(Joan Aspey Head Of Art)

Anita Taylor MBE from St.Rocco’s shop said “ The students are a credit to the school and I am over the moon with the display created in the shop, amazing.”


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