Author Archives: beamontacademy
Guide Dog Visit
During this past year the children in the Charity Enrichment Club have taken part in various activities to fundraise for charities close their heart. This has included, craft making and selling, cake sales and sponsored events. Guide Dogs for the Blind was one of the chosen charities, especially as one of our parents is registered blind and has a Guide Dog.
Mrs Mellor Head of Y7 organised a y7 assembly today, supported by charity club members from all years in the school, to hand over a cheque for £400 to Guide Dogs for the blind and Mr Forrester brought his black Labrador dog called Edgar into school to meet the students, to accept the cheque and graciously answered questions about his life and his dog.
Jack: How long have you had your dog.?
Mr Forrester: I’ve had him 2 years now.
Madeleine : How has he changed your life?
Mr Forrester: He has given me a life. Before I had him, I was virtually housebound for 10 years, I could only go outside if I was accompanied by Mrs Forrester or the children to help me, but now I have a new life because I am independent again, he takes me everywhere and I can rely on him.
Mr Forrester was accompanied by his wife and she told us all about how Edgar is a real family dog and has become an important part of the family. They also explained that the costs of training a guide dog doesn’t finish when the dog goes to the family, but they are supported throughout it’s life. The scheme also takes care of all the vets bills and dog food, which can be specialist foods. Mr Forrester also talked about the dogs working life and discussed that when a dog is out guiding it’s owners, it’s best not to touch them for fear of distracting them, as it may cause an accident.
Year 9 & 10 Basketball Team
Year 9 & 10 basketball team for the Tri Way Tournament between BCA, Culcheth and Great Sankey.
Year 7 & 8 Athletics Teams
All teams took part in the Warrington Secondary Schools Indoor Athletics Competition at Birchwood High School.
The year 7 & 8 boys teams achieved 2nd place in their respective age categories. They will go on to represent Warrington at the Cheshire Games later this year.