grease red

Grease Teaser

grease redBCA’s Performing Arts Department is delighted to present this years’ musical production of” Grease”. Our super dedicated students have been attending rehearsals since February and have worked hard to produce a great show. Our students are performing two shows on Wednesday 9th and  Thursday 10th of July curtains up at 7pm. If you would like to purchase tickets please enquire at the school shop or main reception. Tickets are priced at £3:50 per adult, £2.50 per child and a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) is available for £10.00.

Below is a short sneak peak of Grease rehearsals


Rose Warburton voted Warrington Member of Youth Parliament

15 year old, Rose Warburton from Beamont Collegiate Academy has blown away the competition to be voted in as the Warrington Member of Youth Parliament (MYP). Rose initially presented her speech at a pre-election event at the Youth Café, Times Square, Warrington along with 11 others, including fellow Beamont Collegiate Academy student Ethan Walsh. The 12 were whittled down to 8 and the voting then went out to schools across the area for students to vote in their preferred candidate for the top post!

Initially Rose was surprised to be voted past the first stage as she has been extremely nervous during her speech. Although her friends all said that she didn’t look nervous at all! Almost 4000 young people voted across Warrington and Rose was appointed as the Member of Youth Parliament for Warrington, with Rachel Davies and Tim Hammersley being voted as her deputies. Rose is very keen for the three of them to work closely as a team and will meet weekly with them and other members of the Youth Council at the Impact meetings which are held on Wednesdays from 5.00pm – 7.00pm at the Warrington Youth Café. Of her recent experiences Rose said “It’s been such an incredible experience just to be a candidate. I have been involved in so many amazing events and opportunities. The best thing to come out of it is the friends I have made from Impact, especially Rae, Tim and Tom, the Chair of Impact”.

Support came from friends, family and teachers at Beamont Collegiate Academy. Mr Milburn (Associate Assistant Principal) initially suggested that Rose run in the election. Mr Thursfield (Religious Education Teacher) helped Rose with her election posters and Miss Charnock (English Teacher) gave Rose tips on her election speech. “I appreciate everyone’s support. There has been so much support from school and my friends. Loads of people came to the results at the Town Hall. I can’t wait to experience many more great things during my time in office” said Rose. One of the hi-lights of her time in office will undoubtedly be when she visits the House of Commons in November to take part in the Annual Sittings.

The main objectives of Rose’s campaign were to educate people on mental health issues, youth unemployment and challenge the stigma around people’s perceptions of young people.

Rose has already started to work with CAMHS (The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) in Warrington on a current project which involves putting on workshops in schools that address mental health issues in a way that students can relate to. Rose suggested they include elements on suicidal behaviour and self-harm as part of their current plans. Once the workshops are ready to roll out, Rose intends on helping CAMHS to get them delivered in as many schools across Warrington as possible.

Youth unemployment is a problem in the area and Rose intends to encourage more local companies to open up jobs to young people, including volunteering opportunities. Another aspect Rose is looking into is shadowing opportunities for young people interested in a specific professional field. Rose feels it is important that young people receive opportunities to spend time in the work environment.

In order to challenge people’s perceptions of young people Rose would like to work with her school to arrange events aimed at breaking down the barriers between generations with simple afternoon tea and cakes sessions, bingo sessions and visits to local care homes with the school choir.

In such a short space of time Rose has already planned so much, and with the continued support of her friends, family, Beamont Collegiate Academy and the team at Impact we are sure there will be a lot more to come as Rose drives her plans forward.

Congratulations again to Rose on her fantastic achievement, we will certainly be keeping everyone up to date with the progress her and the team make over the coming months.


Jordan Edge2

Jordan Edge fancy foot work in Futsal

Year 10 student Jordan Edge is paving his was to a national team place with his fancy foot work in Futsal.

Futsal is an exciting, fast-paced small sided football game that is widely played across the world and is officially recognised by both UEFA and FIFA.  The nature of the game places a large emphasis on technical skill and ability in situations of high pressure.

Many top level international players have spent time playing Futsal, including Xavi and Ronaldinho and Pele.  Pele, World Cup Winner: 1958, 1962 & 1970 says “Futsal was important in helping to develop my ball control, quick thinking, passing….also for dribbling, balance, concentration…. Futsal was very, very important, no doubt.” (

Jordan, 15, has been an avid football player since a young age, where he joined local Great Sankey Sunday league team, Matthiola at the age of 4. In more recent years Jordan has played in centre midfield for Warrington Town at County level and it has been during his training sessions here that he displayed skills ability which would take him into the Futsal arena.

Warrington Town manager, Ian Bateman, started a regional Futsal team and invited Jordan to get involved.  The regional squad train at bi-monthly camps where 25 players from across the region come together to train and practice.  Despite only playing Futsal for 6 months Jordan has caught the eye of the international Futsal manager at a session, who described Jordan as a “perfect fit” for his squad and suggested he should play Futsal full time at a high level. Subsequently Jordan competed for a spot in the England squad in a 5 hour, non-stop training session against many older academy players. Of this top level recognition, Jordan said “It was a shock! I didn’t expect someone that high to spot me. Hopefully I can achieve a high level of success following Futsal”.

Jordan Edge

Mum, Jayne Edge said “Jordan’s played at St George’s Park a number of times and has been noticed by several England coaches who think he’ll go far. Since the trials he’s attended for the England squad he’s been asked to join the Manchester Futsal squad. He’s really dedicated to the sport and practices constantly. His brother, myself (mum) and dad in fact all his family are extremely proud of him, and wish him all the luck in the world. All we can say is watch this space!!”

Jordan not only makes his family proud on the pitch, he is also on target for A*s and As in his GCSEs which he will be taking at Beamont Collegiate Academy in 2015.

As Jordan’s Mum suggests “Watch this space!” as the next 12 – 18 months look very bright for 15 year old Jordan.


Warrington Wheels 2014

Two Beamont Collegiate Academy year 11  pupils Janecks Gindra and Michael Griffiths won 2 awards at the 2014 Warrington wheels bike show held at Grappenhall. They have been working on the bike on the Thursday night enrichment club held at the vocational cabin. The awards that they won were voted for by the members of the public who visited the show. So well done to them both!


Grease 1

Grease is the word at BCA on 9th and 10th July!!

Rehearsals are in full swing and it is nearly show time for the cast of Grease. Students have been extremely dedicated attending rehearsals as often as four times a week in order to perfect their American accents and their hand jive!

Grease 1Caitlin Kinsey Year 10 said “I can’t wait to wear my costume and pink wig!” Ryan Whitely Year 8 who plays the character of Danny said “I was really nervous about singing but I can’t wait for people to remember me as THE Danny Zuko!!” Shannon Fogg Year 8 who plays the hopelessly devoted sandy said “I am so excited to see the audience’s reaction!”

Not only have the students been busy learning their lines the creative staff at BCA have also been lending an artistic hand with costume and set… well as managing to locate our very own ‘Greased Lightnin’ Car’…..  and a motorbike!

For more information on tickets, back stage exclusives and show details follow us on twitter @BCAperform

2014-04-29 12.02.22

Raising Aspirations of BCA Students

Year 9 students at Beamont Collegiate Academy were recently given the opportunity to experience, first hand, what University life is really like.

In conjunction with Children’s University, a selection of students attended a residential trip to Lancaster University.  The trip formed part of the Academy’s ‘raising aspiration’ programme with the main focus being about students ‘thinking big’ and striving to gain the best possible start to adult life.

2014-04-29 13.42.24During the visit students were guided through a number of challenging activities by Lancaster University Ambassadors who also acted as tour guides and mentors to the students.  The tour of the campus included visits to the food courts and lecture theatres and the students were able to experience a real sense of ‘community’ that the University campus offers.

Students were involved in the planning and preparing of group presentations which they then delivered to peers, University Ambassadors and lecturers in one of the lecture theatres. An informative speech regarding the pathways into University was then delivered to students along with information on available courses and student loans.

The visit ended with an inspirational talk from a motivational life coach who encouraged and convinced the students that they were more than capable of achieving anything in life as long as they worked hard and had the desire to succeed.

As a result of the residential, students now have the opportunity to become Ambassadors for Children’s University with many showing a genuine interest in volunteering their time to help support the scheme which involves young people.

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Student feedback from the visit was resoundingly positive.

“I have learnt to be myself and now know that I can reach University no matter how hard it is” – Abbie Newton, 14.

“At the start I thought I wouldn’t be able to go to University but now I have had this experience I am now sure that I will be able to go and will enjoy the experience in real life” – Molly Stokes,14.


Register now for the next CoderDojo

Our third Dojo! They’re getting busy now so we need a better way to manage who’s coming! In June we’ll have: Minecraft. Hacks and creating programs within (very popular!).  Scratch (very addictive!).  Lego Robotics and problem solving (kids couldn’t get enough of this!). We’re trying to sort out some Raspberry Pi activities too!  Plus in June well have our cafe set up for fresh coffee, tea, bacon butties and pastries…… If you have a Minecraft account, own laptop or tablet bring it. If not, no worries, well sort you out! The only rule?    Be Cool!

Click here to register for the next Dojo


Paint Balling Reward

Paint Balling Reward

Trip for a group of Pupil Premium students took place on May 19th. This is just one of the motivational activities Beamont Collegiate Academy has introduced to raise pupil aspirations . To be selected for the trip the pupils had to meet academic and behaviour targets set by the Pupil Premium Co-Ordinator , Mrs McNulty .  Most of the pupils on the trip were Year 11 boys but four SGI pupils from year 9 also took part. Despite bruises and tired aching muscles a great time was had by all. Mrs  McNulty.


Photo by Warrington Guardian.

An innovation in opening children’s minds

Philosophy for Children

An innovation in opening children’s minds

By Carmen Cors

I have been a teacher at Beamont Collegiate Academy since September 2013.  Being a teacher provides you with an up-to-date, straight in your face, view of the world young people live in today. Not the teenage world that I and many of my colleagues lived in; for some of us at least 15 years ago!

At BCA we have introduced a powerful new teaching tool to help give students a voice and encourage them to tackle some of life’s deeper questions.

Philosophy for Children (P4C), created by Professor Matthew Lipman, is a method of unlocking children’s thoughts and ideas about the world around them. P4C encourages children to become more intellectually curious, critical and creative through a variety of mind stretching activities.

Photo by Warrington Guardian.

Photo by Warrington Guardian.

Pupils engage in discussions based on hypothetical concepts. Through this learning platform they do not seek answers; they seek reasons for opinions, debate points of view and develop ideas presented by their peers.

‘I think it is good because we get to talk about things if we are not sure about them. It helps us learn and understand our world!’ Louise Johnson Year 7

Being able to facilitate the sessions and observe pupils come alive as they rationalise their own thoughts and opinions has been truly amazing. Being involved in watching them begin to believe in their own ideas is truly inspirational! The quietest child has contributed with confidence and ease. The children I expected to control the discussion co-operated superbly, allowing others to voice their thoughts whilst still sharing their own ideas.

Pupils, regardless of ability, have astounded me by their in-depth analysis of concepts. Furthermore, P4C has allowed their own compassion to shine though on subjects deemed too complex to debate. For example, ‘If I shout at you to protect you, am I your friend?’ and ‘If all religions were banned, would there be more or less war in the world?’ Removing the constraints of criteria led discussions allowed a freedom of expression from all involved.

‘It is fun and useful because it helps you improve your learning and your speaking and listening skills.’ Reece Palmer-Hewitt year 7

One of the wonderful aspects of teaching is that you never stop learning. I relish my experiences in the classroom; a pupil communicating their own thoughts and opinions through the empowerment that P4C has given them.

“Teaching children to think quickly, deeply and with agility has got to be one of the greatest gifts we can offer them as they take their place as adults in the 21st century.

Ironic really that an intellectual process dating back thousands of years maybe the best chance we have to deal with what the future has in store for us.”

Ian Gilbert (Little Book of Thunks)


Terrific Technology at Beamont Collegiate Academy

Exciting news for the BCA Technology Department

carThe Technology Department is undergoing some exciting changes within the courses being offered and the equipment being used.  The department is keen to mirror what industry is doing as closely as possible and this has seen the introduction of BTEC qualifications in Motor Vehicle and Hospitality being offered.

The BTEC qualification in Motor Vehicle involves students researching and understanding the principles of how a cars engine functions, the various types of vehicle design that are available together with their advantages and disadvantages and how a cars braking system works.  Students will also have to demonstrate practical skills whilst checking and repairing braking systems to a high standard.

The department is also really pleased to announce the imminent arrival of a brand new laser cutter and 3D printer that will give students an ideal opportunity to take advantage of CAD CAM within their projects across all year groups.

Also in the Design and Technology department we have recently purchased a petrol powered go kart.  This will soon be offered as an after school enrichment activity where the pupils will strip down the entire kart, repair any damaged parts and restore it to look like new.  This will increase the pupils’ knowledge on mechanics and mechanisms through a practical activity.