Category Archives: Latest News
Rose Warburton…Future Prime Minister?
All here at Beamont Collegiate Academy are extremely proud of Rose Warburton and her budding political career! Rose has been actively involved in the ‘Make Your Mark’ campaign, a national campaign to highlight current social issues. In the House of Commons, last week Rose led on the debate on transport for young people. Rose is no newcomer to the House of Commons; she is the Youth Member of Parliament for Warrington and has debated in the House previously.Rose is fast becoming a seasoned veteran and occupied the seat of David Cameron, no less, in the debate last week.
Well Done Rose !
BCA leading the way for STEM education in the North West!
Beamont Collegiate Academy leading the way for STEM education in the North West!
After our ground breaking use of the drone to enthuse our STEM students about drones and new technology, BCA will be sharing our expertise with other schools from across the country when they come to Beamont for our latest STEMHUB: Drones in Education.
On the 12th November 2015 Beamont Collegiate Academy will host and the Phantom Flight School will be in attendance to give their expert tuition and advice.
You will have the opportunity to:
- Take part in a control and flight presentation
- Fly a Phantom!
- Learn how camera drones can support the STEM curriculum
- Discover the future of drones and why we need to be educating STEM students on them now!
- Ask the expert session.
Y7 Residential in North Yorkshire
Beamont Collegiate Academy Year 7 Residential 2015 in North Yorkshire.
Year 7 students have been taking part in lots of activities (whatever the weather) on their residential. Students were accommodated in a bunk barn close to Malham in North Yorkshire and their activities included, caving, rock climbing, hiking and problem solving in teams.
All tasks required students to listen carefully to instructions, to consider their safety, to work closely together and to have respect for the ideas and contributions of others.
All students took part in the activities with the full encouragement of their peers and everybody enjoyed trying out new experiences. Students really enjoyed spending free time with other students from their form group and everybody helped out with the chores at mealtimes.
In the evening students took part in a quizzes, night orienteering and team games before having supper and heading to bed for a well-earned sleep in their dormitories.