
Coder Dojo

Jan 31st – CODER DOJO

Christmas will be over and Santa will have left lots of new technology under your tree! Bring it to our dojo and we’ll help you play with it…….

The Christmas Dojo was the best ever with 7 different sessions running – unbelievable to think we only started 8 months ago!! In January we’ll have lots of good stuff going on….

Minecraft. Gaming and Modding.
Scratch (very addictive!).
App creator – bring your phone!
Lego Robotics and problem solving (kids couldn’t get enough of this!).
Ras Pi – our newly trained Picademy graduate will be running a session on the Pi.
Python programming.
Hour of code activities.

The only rule? Be Cool!





Youth Democracy Award

Beamont Collegiate Academy receives  the Youth Democracy Award at Silver level


84.4% of students having been involved in Warrington’s Youth Parliament elections.

Warrington Youth MP & BCA student Rose Warburton proudly shows off the award presented by the British Youth Council.

BCAs Reading Challenge

BCA Reading Challenge

BCAs Reading ChallengeThis year our year 7 students have shown dedication and readiness to read for pleasure and have signed up to The Reading Challenge.

The Reading Challenge will see students reading 10 books before Christmas; it will inspire them to broaden their horizons and raise their reading profile. Each student will have to track the books that they have read in their reading log and once they have read a book, they will be able to get their log stamped off our very own librarian, Mrs Minshull.

Students who manage to complete the challenge will receive Waterstones vouchers and will be able to go and pick their own books at their own leisure.

Reading improves lives, let’s all read!

Mrs S Hutchinson

Leader of Literacy

Rose - HoC

Year 11 Rose speaks at the House of Commons

Year 11 student and Warrington Member of Youth Parliament Rose Warburton was extremely pleased to be selected to represent Warrington and the North West at the Youth Parliament annual sitting on the 14th November.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARose, who was elected as the Member of Youth Parliament (MYP) in June this year submitted her entry for consideration to speak at the House of Commons whilst on holiday in Rhodes. There are over 100 Members of Youth Parliament in the North West, so when Rose was notified that she had been selected to represent the region she was over the moon.

On the day Rose set her alarm for a 5.30am start to ensure she was on her 7.00am train from Bank Quay station to London, accompanied by her chaperone for the day Ian Probert from IMPACT.

Following the 2 hour train journey down to London Rose took breakfast in Westminster Hall before being kitted out with her Youth Parliament badge, House of Commons lanyard and visitors pass.

Prior to being led into the chamber Rose and her fellow MYP’s  were introduced to Rt. Honourable John Bercow (Speaker) and Leader of the House and MP William Hague and Chair of the Back Bench Business Committee Natacsha Engel MP.

Rose was seated on the front bench, very close to the speaker for the debate in the chamber at the House of Commons. At 29 minutes and 56 seconds into the debate Rose was invited up to speak at the dispatch box, where Labour leader Ed Miliband usually takes the stand.

The event can be viewed here:

Rose - HoCRose had prepared a speech on World War One to commemorate the centenary year, she was the only speaker to run through her speech without the aid of notes as she had practiced it many, many times.

Of her experience Rose said “It was an honour to go to the House of Commons and represent so many young people from Warrington and the North West. It was important to me to deliver the World War One speech to make sure we don’t forget the people that fought for us in World War One.”

Rose described her visit to the House of Commons as the hi-light of her time as Warrington MYP so far. As ever Rose was keen to thank her parents, teachers at Beamont Collegiate Academy, her school friends and her colleagues from Local Youth Council – IMPACT for their continued support.

Upon completion of her studies at Beamont Collegiate Academy next year, Rose, who is aiming for top marks across the board in her upcoming GCSEs does not, in fact, have her sights set on a career in politics, but in actual fact is looking forward to following a career in medicine, more specifically as a Paediatrician. However there is a link between the role Rose is fulfilling now and her intended career in medicine as Rose’s main objective is consistently that of wanting to help people in any way possible. Rose intends to attend the UTC Liverpool from September to study Life Sciences.

Rose will now focus on the issues voted as the important to the young people of Warrington which increasing the living wage to £7.55 and mental health awareness. Rose said “Going forward I will be campaigning to raise awareness of mental health issues and the living wage. I can’t wait to meet new people and discover their views on national campaigns, whilst not forgetting my education.”

The staff at Beamont Collegiate Academy are extremely proud of Rose for all of her achievements to date and will continue to support her in her role as Member of Youth Parliament for Warrington. A spokesperson from the school said “What Rose has achieved is extraordinary, she is a great ambassador for not only our students at Beamont Collegiate Academy, but for young people across Warrington and beyond.”


Excellent Awards 131114

BCA Excellent Work Awards

Excellent Awards 131114

These students, photographed with Vice Principal Heather Clifford, were this week’s recipients of the BCA Excellent work award.  They were nominated by departments for excellent work and effort recently. The students were; Sam Gleave, Josh Palmer-Hewitt, Sami Wright, Owen Dean, Brittany Hall and Pawel Chilkiewicz, with the robot he has been programming in ICT. Well done to all students.

BCA Radio

BCA Radio is here!

Our very own radio is finally here! 

BCA Radio

Wipe away those cobwebs, clear those lungs and get ready for BCA radio.

Students at Beamont have been busy this week getting to grips with our very own, new-fangled radio equipment. Creating an engaging and stimulating environment for our students is of paramount importance and here at BCA we are doing our utmost to ensure that our student’s enjoy school life. The radio will give our students a chance to work on their communication skills, creating confident and self-assured public speakers who feel happy and captivated by a variety of learning experiences.

BCA radio will open doors for our students and give them an insight into a more vocational working experience.

Will your child be the next budding radio host?

Will you be the next radio star?