dot-art schools competition finalists

Congratulations to all the Year 9 who successfully took part in the dot-art Schools competition, completing art work based on Architecture. The dot-art Schools programme Liverpool is an interactive, online, inter-school art competition, culminating in an end of year exhibition for the top students in each participating school.

The 1st Place student for BCA is Year 9 student Ruby Hatton who has won a place in the dot-art schools exhibition 2020. Details of the 2020 dot-art Schools exhibition will be announced as soon as possible.

Online Safety

It has come to our attention that the momo challenge has been reportedly appearing in many different forms across social media, apps and online games.  This type of unpleasant and unnecessary hacking of children’s usual protected sites can create panic and distress amongst children in schools.

Please refer to the attached guide from the National Online Safety website.  Any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.

Online Safety Guide for Parents

Beamont Collegiate win GOLD at the Warrington Wise Up Awards 2019

Head Girl, and Anti-bullying Ambassador / Student Parliament member collected the Wise Up Gold Award 2019 on behalf BCA Staff and Students. Wise Up is an annual awards scheme that looks to recognise and celebrate the excellent work that Warrington schools are doing to tackle the issues of bullying and hate crime. To be part of the Wise Up Awards, school councils are invited to submit a completed questionnaire that invites them to share the work they are doing. Schools are then invited to attend the Wise Up Awards Ceremony where they are presented with Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Awards. Platinum and Gold awards are presented to schools which demonstrated outstanding practice.

Wise Up