Rose Warburton voted Warrington Member of Youth Parliament

15 year old, Rose Warburton from Beamont Collegiate Academy has blown away the competition to be voted in as the Warrington Member of Youth Parliament (MYP). Rose initially presented her speech at a pre-election event at the Youth Café, Times Square, Warrington along with 11 others, including fellow Beamont Collegiate Academy student Ethan Walsh. The 12 were whittled down to 8 and the voting then went out to schools across the area for students to vote in their preferred candidate for the top post!

Initially Rose was surprised to be voted past the first stage as she has been extremely nervous during her speech. Although her friends all said that she didn’t look nervous at all! Almost 4000 young people voted across Warrington and Rose was appointed as the Member of Youth Parliament for Warrington, with Rachel Davies and Tim Hammersley being voted as her deputies. Rose is very keen for the three of them to work closely as a team and will meet weekly with them and other members of the Youth Council at the Impact meetings which are held on Wednesdays from 5.00pm – 7.00pm at the Warrington Youth Café. Of her recent experiences Rose said “It’s been such an incredible experience just to be a candidate. I have been involved in so many amazing events and opportunities. The best thing to come out of it is the friends I have made from Impact, especially Rae, Tim and Tom, the Chair of Impact”.

Support came from friends, family and teachers at Beamont Collegiate Academy. Mr Milburn (Associate Assistant Principal) initially suggested that Rose run in the election. Mr Thursfield (Religious Education Teacher) helped Rose with her election posters and Miss Charnock (English Teacher) gave Rose tips on her election speech. “I appreciate everyone’s support. There has been so much support from school and my friends. Loads of people came to the results at the Town Hall. I can’t wait to experience many more great things during my time in office” said Rose. One of the hi-lights of her time in office will undoubtedly be when she visits the House of Commons in November to take part in the Annual Sittings.

The main objectives of Rose’s campaign were to educate people on mental health issues, youth unemployment and challenge the stigma around people’s perceptions of young people.

Rose has already started to work with CAMHS (The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) in Warrington on a current project which involves putting on workshops in schools that address mental health issues in a way that students can relate to. Rose suggested they include elements on suicidal behaviour and self-harm as part of their current plans. Once the workshops are ready to roll out, Rose intends on helping CAMHS to get them delivered in as many schools across Warrington as possible.

Youth unemployment is a problem in the area and Rose intends to encourage more local companies to open up jobs to young people, including volunteering opportunities. Another aspect Rose is looking into is shadowing opportunities for young people interested in a specific professional field. Rose feels it is important that young people receive opportunities to spend time in the work environment.

In order to challenge people’s perceptions of young people Rose would like to work with her school to arrange events aimed at breaking down the barriers between generations with simple afternoon tea and cakes sessions, bingo sessions and visits to local care homes with the school choir.

In such a short space of time Rose has already planned so much, and with the continued support of her friends, family, Beamont Collegiate Academy and the team at Impact we are sure there will be a lot more to come as Rose drives her plans forward.

Congratulations again to Rose on her fantastic achievement, we will certainly be keeping everyone up to date with the progress her and the team make over the coming months.


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