2Engage Performance of ‘Risking it all’

2Engage1As part of their spiritual ,moral, social and cultural curriculum year 9 & 10 students at BCA have been introduced to the dangers of alcohol & drug use and the possible links to the dangers of exploitation.  Theatre company ‘2engage’ performed a very relevant, interactive & hard hitting performance of ‘Risking it all’ which deals with one of society’s growing problems. The performance was delivered in a straight talking way and offered students the opportunity to discuss, reflect and evaluate the outcomes of the behaviours demonstrated by all of the characters in the performance. All students were extremely engaged throughout the performance and you could hear a ‘pin drop’ at pertinent points as some of the more shocking scenes unravelled.

Students comments…

2Engage2Year 10

‘I thought it was really powerful and a bit of a tear jerker’

‘It was good to learn about it in a different way, the performance kept us interested’

‘It was realistic and the acting reflected real life situations that could happen to us’

‘It showed us that we could speak to someone if it ever happens to us’



2Engage3Year 9

‘It taught me the facts and how bad it could be’

‘It taught me not to trust people online’

‘It was really good and made me understand that things like that really happen and that we need to be aware of it’


Posted in Latest News.