Have a look at our uniform, smart isn’t it? See the information for the uniform shop and how to order what you need. Please click here to order School Uniform
School Uniform
- BCA skirt – black knee length skirt with the academy logo or plain black school trousers. This does not include leggings, skinny jeans etc. (compulsory for all year groups)
- White school shirt with collar to fasten at the neck
- School blazer
- Grey sleeveless jumper with maroon edge
- School tie with appropriate year colours (please refer to the website for guidance)
- Black shoes (All students will be expected to wear black leather/leather look school shoes. Sports named shoes e.g. Converse, Nike, Vans, Adidas, Kickers pump, canvas shoes and pump style etc are not acceptable)
- Black socks, black tights. No sports socks , student are not permitted to wear ankle/trainer socks
- School sports shirt black/maroon
- Plain black shorts
- School PE socks with the year colours
- Suitable Training shoes
- Black tracksuit bottoms (optional)
- BCA leggings for Dance
- BCA PE Hoodie (optional)
All items of clothing should be clearly labelled
Jewellery, make-up and hair
- A watch may be worn.
- Medi-alert bracelets that advise staff of a pupil’s medical needs may be worn.
- One pair of plain gold or silver ear studs may be worn in the lobe if the pupil has pierced ears. No earrings that dangle below the lobe are permitted
- Subtle, natural make-up may be worn at the discretion of the Principal.
- False eyelashes/extensions are not permitted.
- Hair should be neat and tidy and long hair must be fully tied back at all times for health and safety reasons.
- No extreme hairstyles are permitted. This includes hair patterns. Hair colour must be natural.
- NO body or facial piercings are allowed
- False nails are not permitted.
- Coloured nail varnish is not permitted on natural nails.
- A waterproof bag to hold A4 sized paper/files/exercise books is required.
- All students should bring their own equipment. The minimum requirement is a pencil case, a pen, pencil, ruler & a scientific calculator.
- Students may find it useful to have a green pen & highlighters.
Uniform can be purchased from:
Warrington Schoolwear
50-54, Buttermarket St, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NN
Tel 01925 576868

Please note: this is not an exhaustive list. It simply serves to illustrate some examples of all black, school-style shoes appropriate for school. If in doubt, please call the Academy. Please do not ask staff in local shoe shops, as they only want to sell shoes and are not aware of our uniform policy.