Geography Curriculum

Geography Curriculum Intent

BCA geography aims to explore the interrelationship between the human and physical world in contrasting examples from around the globe. Pupils will investigate how humans take advantage of the physical environment, how the physical environment shapes the human world and how humans attempt to manage it now and into the future.

Pupils will encounter a rich variety of settings from around the world through the curriculum, which are used as vehicles to explore the interrelationships outlined above. Pupil knowledge will be developed by investigating these geographic relationships in contrasting places; from India to the UK, from South America to the Mediterranean and beyond. This will allow for deeper understanding and an appreciation of the various factors that influence the world we live in.

Knowledge of the skills of the geographer are also key to understanding the relationships between the human and the physical world. Location, map reading skills, data collection, recording and analysis as well as statistical manipulation will allow pupils to judge impact and evaluate effectiveness deepening understanding further still.

Geography Curriculum Mapping

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11

Geography Curriculum