History Curriculum

History Curriculum Intent

In the History department we want to provide pupils with a chronological sequence of the past. By the end of KS3 we want pupils to be aware of the big picture framework of History in order to help them understand the world around them. We follow a curriculum design which enables students to explain why change happens and explain the consequences of that change by using substantive (facts and dates) and disciplinary knowledge (knowing how history works). The department wants to promote meaningful conversations about key episodes and events that have occurred in the world around the students. To do this, we have included a range of key enquiries of significant events/episodes of History – these key enquiries have then been broken down in to key questions and have been spaced chronologically.

Students will experience a gradual build up of events dating from the Medieval era (year 7) to the late 20th century (year 9). The enquiries share interlinking themes such as ‘power and control’ and how this has affected the ‘living and working’ conditions of society. The curriculum also explores the theme of ‘war and conflict’ as being a catalyst for change – both good and bad. Themes such as ‘power struggle’, ‘protest’ and ‘persecution’ also tie in to the core concepts. Our aim is for students to adopt a real appreciation for the past, develop empathy and to become more tolerant. Local History studies are to be built in to the Curriculum to show students that History is universal and does not happen in ‘other’ places. The aim of this is to get pupils to relate to History and to see themselves as a part of it.

Assessments will be completed after each key enquiry and will test the most valuable knowledge within that enquiry. The difficulty/challenge of assessments will gradually increase from Year 7 to Year 9. At the start of Year 7 the assessments will focus on developing pupils’ substantive knowledge and this will gradually develop in to disciplinary knowledge. Assessment questions will be worded to promote learning and enhance the skills of students. In order for students to benefit, the department will provide question scaffolds for the pupils to work with and this will help to develop their understanding of how to evaluate a historical source. These scaffolds and structures will be gradually removed over time. The skill of source analysis is paramount for history as it mimics the work of a historian.

“ History is not just about learning what people did for us but also about the changes people wanted to make within society. It’s all about the things humanity has done wrong and right. “

- Quoted by Matthew Naylor – Year 8 – after a Civil Rights case study lesson about the death of Emmett Till.

History Curriculum Mapping

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11

History Curriculum