Computing Curriculum

Computing Curriculum Intent

Here at BCA computing we aim to create students that are passionate, engaged and curious about the Computing and technological landscape in which we currently find ourselves. Our curriculum aims to be ambitious and exciting, whilst also being both broad enough to encapsulate all 3 crucial strands of computing (IT / Computer Science / Digital literacy), yet still enabling some of the more crucial, regionally pertinent or transitionally relevant aspects of a modern computing curriculum to be celebrated, enjoyed and where our students are concerned, specialised in, to enable them to go deeper, in the development of their skills, knowledge and hopefully their passion for a future in our arena.

Our vision is to create an environment where our students continually build their digital literacy, starting with a levelling up early on and through an improved and pragmatic transition from and alongside our Primary schools. Digital literacy remains a key priority right throughout key stage 3 and is emphasised by an explicit unit of work at the end of year 9, which is intended to facilitate a seamless transition into KS4, for all students, including those who don’t opt to specialise in any of the computing disciplines in year’s 10 and 11.

Students will move through key stage 3 gaining a sense of the difference between Computer Science and IT and also where the content they are studying fits within the timeline of significant developments within the history of computing. This exposure to Computing hinterland to supplement our core curriculum intensifies with the Historical figures scheme of work early in year 8 and we feel this will activate their sense of awareness of how, what they are doing fits into the bigger picture of computing. This will develop their passion for Computing and their cultural capital and coupled with their improved digital literacy, motivate their passion to become active participants in a digital world.

Computing Curriculum Mapping

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9

Computing Curriculum