Labour Market Information


Labour Market Information or LMI is used in BCA to give insights into jobs and career opportunities, helping students, parents and carers understand what roles are currently available along with future predictions.

Some of the specific features of LMI are listed here:

  • The industries and businesses that operate in a certain location, such as Warrington.
  • The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
  • The number of jobs in each sector.
  • The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.
  • Commute and travel to work patterns.
  • Rates of pay or salaries.
  • Career progression opportunities.
  • Where opportunities are increasing or decreasing
  • What you need to study to get into an occupation.


Warrington LMI

Major local employers include Sellafield, Jacobs and Cavendish Nuclear, based at Birchwood Park.  Warrington is the home to United Utilities head office and the NHS is a large employer with both the Warrington & Halton Trust and Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Four industrial sectors that are growing in Warrington and Cheshire are Life Sciences, Digital & Technology, Logistics & Distribution and Energy, Zero Carbon and Green Growth.  Other sectors which are large employers are Chemicals, Manufacturing & Engineering, Finance & Business Services along with Health & Social Care.

LMI is used in careers meetings and lessons, along with being displayed around the academy.