Mr G Harris
- Overall quality of education
- Management of school finances
- Development of site and premises
- Financial planning
- Governance
- Vision and values
- Leadership and management of daily operations
- Development and improvement strategy
- Staffing and succession planning
- Inspection readiness
- Leadership development
- Staff recruitment
- Performance development and appraisal
Mrs S Mullen
Vice Principal (Outcomes & Assessment)
- Student outcomes: KS4 basics, Ebacc, open
- Year 11 strategy
- Outcomes for "risk group": Disadvantaged boys, most able
- Assessment: Internal and external examinations
- Target setting and reporting
- Leadership of Subject leaders (Outcomes focus)
- Leadership and Management of KS4 Support Centre
- Literacy and reading intervention in Lexonik (strategy and impact)
Mrs A Viar
Business Operations Manager
- HR systems and processes
- Facilities, site and support operations
- Lettings and income generation
- Health and safety
- Payroll
- Catering operations
- Capital projects
- Website and marketing
- Staff well-being
- Support staff appraisal and development
- Single Central Register
- Stakeholder engagement inc. staff/parent surveys
Mrs C Rixham
Vice Principal (SEND, Safeguarding & Attendance)
- DSL (1)
- Safeguarding leade: Systems and strategy (Inc. multi-agency support)
- LM of KS3 Support Centre
- Strategic lead for Attendance
- In year admissions
- Multi-agency support relating to inclusion
- Strategic Leadership of SEND
- EAL provision
- Pastoral and welfare provision (Inc. for looked after children)
- Sexual Misconduct Liaison Officer
Mrs M McMillan
Assistant Principal (Curriculum)
- Leadership of Year 10 outcomes
- Curriculum strategy
- Curriculum QA and review
- Options process and curriculum pathways
- Home and remote learning strategy
- Strategic leadership of Alternative Curriculum (Inc. QA and Chair of Panel)
- Leadership of Subject leaders (Curriculum focus)
- Subject Leadership of History (12 months only)
Miss S Coley
Behaviour & Personal Development
- DSL (2)
- Behaviour for learning strategy (Inc. communication of LEARN)
- Strategic lead for PD Curriculum (Inc. LM of PSHE Subject Leader)
- Enrichment
- Assembly programme
- Daily operations: arrivals, departures, breaks, lunches, line-ups, dententions
- Internal exclusion lead (Inc. management of Retrack)
- Student voice
- Suspension reduction strategy
- PEX liaison and evidence
Miss S Charnock
Assistant Principal (T&L and Teacher Development
- Teacher development and improvement
- Assessment: In class strategy and methodology
- Coaching strategy
- Early career teacher framework
- Research and evidence based CPD
- Leadership of Reading Curriculum
- CIAG inc. NEET strategy and KS4-5 transition
Mr M Roberts
Associate AP
- Leadership of Maths
- KS3 attainment and achievement
- KS3 reporting
- Quality assurance: process and schedule
- Meeting cycle