
Please email mcmillanm@bca.warrington.ac.uk if you require further information regarding the curriculum at BCA

The Curriculum at the Academy

The curriculum at BCA provides all students with a truly enriching learning experience; one that promotes acquisition of knowledge and development of skill. Our rigorous focus on reading skills and vocabulary instruction ensure all students are able to access each stage of their education and thrive as a result. Our students have the personal and academic qualities that are greatly valued by employers, and ensure progression to appropriate and aspirational post-16 destinations. Subject curricula is taught in a coherent sequence that informs a layered and deep knowledge of the content that should be taught at each stage, ensuring students are well prepared for their terminal exams and the academic or vocational world that exists beyond their time here at BCA.

Our subject curricular are based on ‘Six Dimensions’ :



 The Wider Curriculum

Additionally, the core learning experience will be supplemented with curricula for personal development, social and health education, engagement with current affairs and the wider world, alongside bespoke careers guidance. At BCA we provide as many unique opportunities and fulfilling experiences for our students which is reflected in our enrichment curriculum.

Key Stage 3 (years 7,8 &9)

At Key Stage 3 we offer our students a full range of subjects with a focus on ensuring our student receive a balanced, aspirational and engaging curriculum which gives them access to the core subjects of English; Maths and Science; the Humanities; Expressive Arts, Physical Education, Technology and Modern Foreign Languages.

Key Stage 4 (years 10 & 11)

Students in Year 10 are offered the opportunity to narrow the subjects that they specialise in by following one of three option pathways: EBacc, Academic and Academic/Vocational.  All students study GCSEs in English, English Literature, Maths, Science and a Humanities subject. These are then supplemented with three options from their chosen pathways. The three option pathways offer a comprehensive range of academic and vocational subjects that include:  Business Studies, Performing Arts, Modern Foreign Languages, Design and Technology, Health and Social Care, PE and Art.  Mostly these subjects are delivered through a GCSE syllabus with some BTEC and OCR.  The option pathways also allow our most able students to opt for three separate sciences as part of a more challenging academic pathway. 

STEM pathways at Key Stage 4

The academy offers students a number of academic and vocational STEM pathways that support and encourage students to choose STEM education and employment routes. The Science and Technology Faculty has relationships with STEM employers, further and higher education institutions who offer information, advice and guidance; mentoring and work place projects to students linked to future STEM careers.


The academy’s PSHE and SMSC curriculum is delivered through daily ‘Leadership time’ and assemblies, we also deliver an SMSC day each half term covering a range of themes throughout the year including a focus on modern Britain and the values of modern Britain. Through a planned programme of sessions, students have opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In addition to the discrete SMSC Days each half term the academy’s curriculum at both Key Stages provide a range of SMSC development through subjects such as English, RE, Geography and History. PSHE also forms part of the academy’s wider curriculum provision with strong focus on student setting targets that relate to both their personal and emotional well being.

Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) Programme:

A full programme of IAG is now delivered from Year 7 up to Year 11 which meets DfE Statutory Guidance. The programme is delivered during ‘Leadership Time’, assemblies, assertive mentoring and an aspirations week. The school buys into a service (Career Connect) to strengthen this offer. The academy has strong relationships with numerous outside agencies and employers that are used to offer IAG.

Enrichment Programme

A comprehensive and inclusive enrichment programme is offered to all students at the academy. Scheduled for the end of the formal school day, the students have the opportunity to participate in an expansive range of over 70 activities that include traditional sports like rugby and football through to horse riding, Lego robotics, computer programming and competitive debating.

Saturday Academy

The academy continues to offer a provision outside of the traditional school hours through our Saturday Academy.  Saturday Academy offers students further enrichment in sport, computer programming and performing arts.  In addition to this the Saturday Academy forms part of our Year 6 Transition programme and offers students extra tuition in their GCSE subjects.