Trips and enrichment that enhance SMSC
We take French students over to the collegiate for a French evening & French meal.
We have also taken Year 10 students to Priestley College to immerse them in a French enrichment day
We currently offer booster sessions for students on a Thursday evening
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education is a natural focus of MFL.
People, their relationships and their interactions with others are an intrinsic part of what we teach, and the cultural immersion of learning a language cannot be avoided.
In MFL, we give our students an opportunity to both consider the needs and experiences of people of other cultures, and reflect upon their own response to this.
We also encourage students to discover, discuss and debate unfamiliar lifestyles, global events, problems and changes.
Finally, SMSC is not confined to the MFL classroom – we hope that the study of languages will positively affect our students’ lives and their understanding of the world around them.