Trips and enrichment that enhance SMSC
The science department offer numerous trips related to STEM. Below are the occasions when trips have been organised since OCT Half term:
20 Y10/11 students Science Live event – Manchester. Science aspirations event with Sir Robert Winston.
80 students Years 5 -12 – Coder Dojo – programming and robotics. 2 events with roughly 40 each time.
30 Y10/11 students medical dental vet STEM route – Hands on event with local physios PCT.
10 students (Y8-10) – Programming and enterprise group – Raspberry Pi and STEM ambassadors, LEGO Robotics.
8 students Y10 Barclays E- banking competition winners ( 10 week event)
Discovery Scholarship –
6 Y9’s IAG ‘ask a scientist’ at United utilities
6 Y10’s Solvay chemicals – IAG Careers in Chemistry
10 Y7 –Weekly Science Club – Project to Mars – sent an experiment to the edge of Space with a national competition.
10 Y8 pupils – Girls into Engineering – Royal Soc aspirations event
Students also develop speaking skills, Presentation skills & Creative learning tasks such as designing science based board games