Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant

The Pupil Premium Grant was introduced in April 2011 for pupils in England from low – income families.

The grant is for pupils who: 

  • Have been eligible for free school meals [FSM] at any point in the last 6 years
  • Has been in care for more than 6 months
  • Parents are in the armed forces

From April 2014, schools in England can receive the pupil premium for children adopted from care or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) on or after 30 December 2005.

The purpose of this grant is to address the underlying inequalities between the Free School Meal pupils and their peers.

The school is free to spend the money to support pupils in all aspects of school life and to ensure that they reach their full potential and are well equipped to make the next steps in life after they leave.

How we use the Grant

In order to support pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium effectively, we have identified any other factors that may affect them achieving their full potential. We have taken account any additional learning needs they may have for example a Statement of Educational Need or are at School Action or School Action Plus].  We have identified pupils who do not have English as a first language and any pupil who has attendance which in less than 90%

The pupils have then been grouped to ensure that the funding is allocated to them according to their needs as outlined below


Additional Teaching Staff in English, Maths, MFL and Science

Additional high quality staff have been employed in Maths, Science and English to ensure that all pupils make good progress

Small Group Numeracy/Literacy Intervention

Specialist math and English teachers have been appointed to the Maths, English departments which allows for small group intervention across years 7-9.These sessions are tailored to meet students individual to ensure they are working at expected level as they progress through the school

Saturday Tuition GCSE Programme

The school provides regular opportunities for targeted students to attend small group tuition in English, maths and science to ensure students stay on track to hit their GCSE estimates

Pastoral Support Assistants

The team works with students, their families and other services. They promote emotional well-being, positive behaviour and good school attendance. They will intervene as and when necessary to support students and their families. These interventions may include and home visits. In addition the staff do work with pupils who require additional support with their work.  The staff act as a link between home and school to support the educational attainment of vulnerable student groups

Wider Curriculum and Enrichment Experience

The Grant is used to enhance the curriculum, for example to fund school trips, to ensure the students are able to participate and to give students the opportunity to experience new and challenging activities.

 Technology to enhance learning

Class sets of chrome books have been purchased to allow pupils to conduct research topics and to work independently.  Additional resources have purchased to support student’s learning for example revision books, pen drives.

Personalised Curriculum Packages

A small number of pupils require a curriculum which is tailored for their particular needs.  These activities include accessing off site provision e.g. Cornerstones Construction, Warrington Wolves and other providers.  These pupils also receive one to one tuition to meet their needs


Out high quality library has been stocked with new books to encourage pupils to read widely.  Projects including visiting authors and reading challenges have all encouraged pupils to develop a love of reading and literature

Pupil Premium Co-Ordinator

The appointment of a Pupil Premium Co-ordinator has enabled the school to carefully track the progress of PP pupils and put in place bespoke packages of support to ensure that all PP pupils make progress. The focus of this is predominantly year 11

To find out more about Pupil Premium

More details can be found on the Department for Education Website: DfE Pupil Premium or by contacting the school on 01925 579500.

Help the school claim Pupil Premium funding

Beamont Collegiate Academy gets additional funds from the Government for every student who is eligible to receive free school meals. Please help us to get the funds we are entitled to, to support our students, by applying for Free School Meals if you think you are eligible.


Applying For Free School Meals

Students are eligible to receive free school meals if their parents are in receipt of Universal Credit* or any of the following benefits:

Income Support

Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Pupil Premium statement 2024-2027

Pupil Premium statement and review of Impact 2023-2024

Pupil Premium statement and review of Impact 2022-2023

Pupil Premium statement and review of Impact 2021-2022

Pupil Premium strategy statement 2020-21

Pupil Premium summary of Impact 2020-21

Pupil Premium strategy statement 2019-20

Pupil Premium summary of Impact 2019-20