T & L and CPD Overview

Teaching and Learning.

The aim of Teaching and Learning at BCA is to implement the 6 Dimensions of the Curriculum to ensure pupils know and remember more, adapting teaching to take into account pupil needs. Teachers make evidence informed pedagogical choices on how best to implement the curriculum for all pupils. This begins with teachers having deep understanding of their subject which is regularly updated through subject enhancement workshops. This allows careful consideration to be given to how material is presented to pupils and ensures that small steps are taken to embed new knowledge to avoid cognitive overload.

Pupil understanding is checked regularly for accuracy and misconceptions are addressed regularly by teachers. Pupils practice is vital in ensuring new knowledge is applied and the transfer to long term memory begins. Teachers at BCA ensure this happens using models, examples and structures to support all pupils in accessing the tasks and maximising their performance.

Pupil progress is regularly assessed using a range of strategies and feedback is shared with pupils using a variety of formats. New knowledge is retrieved regularly and used again in new contexts as the learning progresses through the curriculum.



“Teacher quality is the most important ingredient in an effective education system” Dylan Wiliam, 2014.

CPD plays a significant part in developing teaching and learning at BCA. We dedicate 1 hour a week on Friday mornings to delivery of high quality sessions designed to address academy priorities as well as individual needs. There are 4 main themes to the CPD offer for the year 2021-22:

  1. Development of the Reading Curriculum- At BCA we recognise the power and importance of strong reading comprehension for pupils. As a result, we have a dedicated reading curriculum delivered to KS3 pupils. These sessions are designed to develop understating and practice of all teachers to be excellent teachers of reading.
  2. Development of assessment strategies- Assessment at BCA happens throughout every lesson and is used diagnostically by teachers to decide on next steps. These sessions aim to develop teacher practice in developing assessment strategies and in deciding on the best ways forward to maximise learning.
  3. Subject enhancement- The strategy for developing substantive and disciplinary subject knowledge for teachers. This time is delegated to departments to keep up to date with changes in understanding around their subject, to best deliver this for pupils.
  4. Independent Enquiry- Significant time devolved to individual teachers to tackle areas of development within their practice. Sessions follow a carefully designed structure based on guidance from EEF and Chartered College of Teachers to develop sustained change in practice that impacts positively on pupil’s outcomes.


CPD Calendar

Beamont Collegiate Academy Teacher Blog: https://www.teachreflectshare.com/