Year 7 Catch-up Spend Summary

BCA has a distinctive ethos built on a culture of high expectation, raising aspiration and the fulfilling of all students ambitions. We recognise the importance of literacy and numeracy skills in enabling students to make progress and access the academy curriculum.

Our Year 7 Catch-up spending ensures that students who have not reached expected standards in literacy and numeracy by the end of Year 6 receive a range of intervention that is funded through the Catch-up Premium.

The following interventions will be funded through the Year 7 Catch-up Premium:

  • Year 6-7 Academic Transition Programme.
  • Transition teaching in maths and English.
  • Pastoral Transition Programme and role of Primary Transition Coordinator.
  • Year 7 Peer Reading Programme.
  • Lexia Reading Programme.
  • 1:1 tuition in literacy and numeracy.
  • Resourcing of numeracy and literacy lessons at KS3.

Year 7 Catch-up Spend 2019-20