Meet the Pastoral Team

Director of Pupil Services: Mr Reynolds

Mr Reynolds is Vice Principal. He leads the Pastoral Team and is responsible for behaviour and attendance at the Academy.

Progress Leaders:

Progress Leaders are responsible for their Year team and should be contacted with any concerns of queries regarding your child.

Year 7: Mrs Robertson

Year 8: Mr McLoughlin

Year 9: Miss McLear

Year 10: Miss Crossan

Year 11: Miss Coley (Associate Vice Principal)


Pastoral Support Assistants:

The Academy has five full time, non-teaching Pastoral Support Assistant who work closely with Mr Reynolds and the Progress Leaders.

Mrs Stamp (Deputy DSL)

Mr Shaw (Deputy DSL) and Pastoral support

Miss Vinton Pastoral support Years 7 and 8

Miss Pari Pastoral support Years 9 and 10

Mr Ryder Pastoral support Year 11