Early Career Teacher Provision at BCA

Embarking on a career in teaching is fulfilling and demanding and here at BCA we recognise the need for an induction programme that is not only robust but also provides clarity for our early career teachers. Following the nationally approved programme provided by Teach First, TCAT is coordinating local school leaders to deliver annual programmes of training to cohorts of teachers in the borough over a two-year period. Matched to set peer groups, teachers are meeting locally to progress through the programme. We are very mindful of the privilege and significance of induction and believe that this induction process will provide just this.

The induction process ensures that appropriate guidance, support and continued professional development opportunities are offered. These include the development of both subject and pedagogical knowledge, skills and understanding, which will be further developed through a range of opportunities. The early career framework (ECF) sets out what early career teachers are entitled to learn about and also informs them of their entitlement whilst still in the early years of their career. At BCA we want to provide enough time and opportunity for our ECTs to be able to develop their practice, knowledge and working habits.

We value our ECTs and the programme that is put together by TCAT is both useful and helpful for early career teachers. It is a way for them to be guided and supported throughout their first 2 years of teaching. Our ECTs are given the opportunity to develop their true potential in order for them to be highly effective teachers who enjoy the profession. Observations, mentoring, reviews and assessment meetings are organised through a structured but flexible, individualised programme enabling our ECTs a secure foundation for success in the teaching profession.

Here at BCA, we pride ourselves on ensuring an efficacious induction for early careers teachers so that they are given the opportunity to thrive in their professional duties.

The induction programme at BCA includes:

•A 2 year induction programme provided by The Challenge Academy Trust – this is done through Generate Teaching Hub and Teach First.

•Provision of appropriate support through the role of an identified induction tutor and mentor

•Opportunities to observe good practice within school, including that of SLEs and Lead Practitioners

•Helping ECTs to form positive relationships with all members of the school community and stakeholders;

•Helping ECTs to become aware of the school’s role in the local community;

•Encouraging reflection on their own and observed practice;

•Opportunities to recognise and celebrate good practice;

•Opportunities to identify areas for development;

•Helping ECTs to develop an overview of teacher’s roles and responsibilities, including ensuring a good understanding of the policies and practices that we are bound by as professionals;

•Recognition that CPD underpins a foundation for longer term professional development and lifelong learning;

•Helping ECTs to meet the required standards.

If you would like any further information about the induction process please do not hesitate to get in touch


Mr P Jones

ECT Lead Induction Tutor & Computing Subject Lead